About us2024-08-29T06:44:18+00:00

We are PSR Assurance

Connect with a team of the best financial and retirement advisors for federal employees. Our solution-driven approach and reliable financial strategies ensure manifold savings and secure your future.

About Us

All You Need To Know

PSR Assurance is a group of financial and retirement consultants for federal government employees. We simplify the retirement plans within the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). There are no affiliations to federal entities. We guide federal employees through the benefits of investment and life insurance plans such as the Thrift Savings Plan, Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance program, Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB), and Social Security Benefits plan. 

Our services are dedicated to ensuring you can invest in the best retirement funds, calculate the annuities, and get maximum returns after retirement. 

Talk to experienced financial advisors from PSR Assurance and get FREE guidance on any one of our services in the US or Puerto Rico.

Reach your financial target during retirement with our special pension planning. We empower you to make smart investment decisions for optimal returns in the long run. 

We are a reliable team of advisors to streamline your retirement needs. Don’t miss the chance to increase your hard-earned retirement money.

Our History

We started with humble beginnings in 2015. PSR Assurance began as a financial advisory firm in Puerto Rico attending to the financial and retirement needs of federal employees. In the beginning, we had 199 members, and over 9 years, our team has expanded to 1555 members. 

Our vision is to provide professional financial consultation to federal employees throughout the US and Puerto Rico to achieve their long and short-term goals. 

We are devoted to customer satisfaction and put our client’s requirements at the center of our strategies. 

Our mission at PSR Assurance is to maximize your returns on investment after retirement. We help to minimize tax deductions on each investment plan. Our retirement planning services are oversimplified to help you understand the benefits better.

Why Choose Us

Get a free consultation for any one of our services.

Guarantee on Federal Retirement Plan Benefits

Federal employees can trust us to access the benefits of TSP, FEGLI, FEHB, and all types of federal retirement plans in the US.

Distinguished Retirement Planning

We curate the best financial strategies to help federal employees and veterans access the most of their retirement savings plan.

Profitable Distribution of Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Invest in the best TSP funds to grow your savings in retirement. Check out the rules for TSP distribution and rollover options to take control of your future.

Choose The Right Government Investment Plan

We have the expertise to help you invest in the right plan based on your retirement requirements. Some common investment plans are Thrift Savings Plan, Social Security Benefits plan, FEHB, FEGLI, and 457(b).

Simplified OPM Processes

Transition into your retirement stage smoothly with our expert assistance in the Office of Personnel Management health insurance plans and retirement services.

Dedicated and Consistent Support

From enrollment to retirement, we take care of your financial decisions throughout the federal employment journey.

Director’s Note

“We are committed to creating customized retirement strategies to meet your financial goals with utmost peace of mind and clarity throughout your federal employment journey.”

Jonathan Pacheco

CEO & Founder

Luis Maldonado
Luis MaldonadoCEO of Maldo Group & Partner
Ronaldo Padua
Ronaldo PaduaAuthorized representative & collaborator of PSR Assurance
Michael Gonzalez
Michael GonzalezCEO of PSR Retirement Service LLC & Partner
Joel Mercado
Joel MercadoCEO of JM GLOBAL
Angel Rivera
Angel RiveraAuthorized representative & collaborator of PSR Assurance
Mae Martin
Mae MartinAuthorized representative & collaborator of PSR Assurance
Diana Reyes
Diana ReyesAuthorized representative & collaborator of PSR Assurance

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